w/ 007 CO
type: space
function: something
location: shinjuku, tokyo
material: line, light, felt
organizer: HATTARI MARI (mari hattori + shintaro wada + shimpei terada)
participants: sitcoms (lighting system), studio mikix (drawings), sho kurokawa + nao uchida (tea stand), kohei tsurumoto (photographer) and so many artists, architects, designers, poets, and friends
archive: Kai Tamaki(photo), honkbooks(film)
date: 2023.8.25
Venue design for “Something Happensy” (25 August 2023, Shinjuku White House).
Inspired by “Neo Dada + Tange’s Team: Something Happens – sushi, beer, lawn” held at Arata Isozaki’s residence on August 25, 1962, Hattari Mari organized ”Something Happensy” as a 2023 version of “Something Happens.” Hattari Mari sent the invitations only with the date, time, and venue, following the past format, and asked to bring “Something” to the event. We installed some guidelines for visitors to put SOMETHING.
「Something Happensy」(2023年8月25日、新宿ホワイトハウス)のための会場構成。
この1夜限りのイベントは1962年8月25日に磯崎新邸で開催された「Neo Dada + Tange’s Team: Something Happens – sushi, beer, lawn」にインスピレーションを受けたハッタリマリが、2023年バージョンのSomething Happensを画策し、新宿のホワイトハウスで開催した。参加者はタイトルと日時、会場だけが示された招待状を受け取り、思い思いのSomethingを会場に持ち込む。

Shinjuku White House was built as an artist’s residence and studio, and is now used as an art space. The atrium in a two-story wooden house is designed to be a pure cubic volume but a bit distorted. Therefore, while keeping the square as the theme, rules are given to bring a fluctuation to that square of space.
When SOMETHING is brought to the square, participants can either follow or break the rules.

As the event is going on, SOMETHING that seems to have been following the rules gradually loosens up. However, the movement of such SOMETHINGs never breaks the rules, but rather seems to emphasize them.